Sunday, August 12, 2007

I thought I would include this link, because those animals are indeed kinda creepy.
I thought I would include this link, because those animals are indeed kinda creepy.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Funniest Darn Video

make sure you have your sound on. its hilarious. or maybe i'm just easily entertained in my delirium............

Funniest Darn Video

make sure you have your sound on. its hilarious. or maybe i'm just easily entertained in my delirium............

Text Message Breakup

Text Message Breakup

Monday, July 30, 2007

creatures of the deep. also used for invoking nightmares and psychosis

creatures of the deep

... also used for invoking nightmares and psychosis


Don't get fooled....

Read the link, then click on the How TiSP works. Immensely funny, I love it. Just weird enough to make the grade!

Don't get fooled....

Read the link, then click on the How TiSP works. Immensely funny, I love it. Just weird enough to make the grade!

this qualifies as weird and unruly.... whoa.... like....I dont like the musik.....make it stop!!!!

this qualifies as weird and unruly

.... whoa.... like....I dont like the musik.....make it stop!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

(-_・) Help me!!

I dont remember why I wanted to post this two years ago. Been sitting in the edit spot forever, huh? I'm slow at things sometimes....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Beer Cupcakes don't scare me, but they make me hungry!

Crap That Has Scared Me To Death

'They live in the crevices of tree bark, but will frequently wander into homes and vehicles. They are able to travel extremely fast, and walk on walls and even on ceilings. They also tend to exhibit a "cling" reflex if picked up, making them difficult to shake off and much more likely to bite.'

Crap That Has Scared Me To Death

'They live in the crevices of tree bark, but will frequently wander into homes and vehicles. They are able to travel extremely fast, and walk on walls and even on ceilings. They also tend to exhibit a "cling" reflex if picked up, making them difficult to shake off and much more likely to bite.'